Sharing a special journey….

“I would like to share my writing with you. I am proud of how I can write now. Can you see my writing from before? Even I can’t read what I have written!”
“Wow! That is amazing!”
What a conversation to overhear.

“How have you improved?”
“I think am better at keeping finger spaces now.”

These are just some of the amazing conversations going on at various corners in my classroom. At times it sounded like a buzz, a traffic jam or an interview as students proudly shared their learning, challenges and successes with their peers, teachers and families. Discussions in English, Korean, German, Russian, Italian and Chinese. The energy, laughter and questions were a reminder of what a journey in learning sounds and looks like. What a remarkable achievement for students, to be able to share their most precious moments and treasures with others.

This journey is a celebration of learning that takes place at Student-led Conferences. It’s a time when students share their memories, thinking, growth and anecdotes using samples of work, tasks, activities, assessments and reflections. It’s a time for celebration and reflection and a time for setting goals and making plans.
It is a privilege to be able to witness and be part of such a moment. It is yet another reminder about why I chose to travel on this path.

How do you celebrate your students learning journeys?

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